As a follow up to the Zoning Review Kickoff meeting of September 17th, the Town Board will appoint a group of Gaines residents to serve on a Steering Committee. The committee will meet several times from late fall until late spring 2019 to provide public input to LaBella Associates as they work to develop recommendations to the Town Board.

If you are interested in serving on the Steering Committee, please send a letter, call the Town Hall, or email Supervisor Joe Grube. (Email available on the website)

On Monday, September 17, 2018, the Town will kick off a project with the guidance of LaBella Associates to conduct a review of planning and zoning in the Town of Gaines. At this event, representatives from LaBella Associates will be on hand to talk about the process the Town is embarking on. Specifically, this meeting will allow you to:

  • Learn about how towns in New York State can use zoning to manage land use and conservation
  • Share your thoughts about the Town’s zoning map, development review procedures, and regulations
  • Participate in the discussion to identify the key issues to be addressed in the Zoning Update underway in the Town

All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!

Town of Gaines Zoning Update Workshop Flyer


This post will be updated as needed to provide the public with documents being generated as a part of the review of the proposed Dollar General.

August 9, 2018 Correspondence – NYS OPRHP

July 31, 2018 Correspondence – MRB Group – SEQR

July 31, 2018 Correspondence – MRB Group – Site Plan

June 13, 2018 Correspondence

June 8, 2018 Correspondence

June 4, 2018 Correspondence