Zoning Informational Meeting

The Zoning Steering Committee, which was established by the Town Board in 2018 and has been meeting since last fall, has completed the majority of their work. The next step for the committee, and our consultant, LaBella Associates, is a public informational meeting. This meeting will be held on August 5th, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall. For interested parties, electronic copies of the draft of the revised Zoning Law, along with a revised Zoning Map, are provided here below.

All are welcome at the public informational meeting. The feedback received during this meeting will be reviewed and used by the committee and the consultant to make final revisions to the draft Zoning Law, which will then be sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Town Board for consideration. The Town Board is the entity which has the authority to adopt the proposed Zoning Law, and that will follow the normal process of having ample notice, along with a public hearing, before being enacted.

Town of Gaines – Zoning Law Update for Public Review – July 2019

Town of Gaines – Zoning Map Update (Draft)